What Clients Are Saying...

Because of Adrianne, I now have a true appreciation of what Yoga is and what it can do in practice in my daily life. I am more open, expansive, and energized when I start my day with Adrianne’s customized recommended poses.
Adrianne has a wonderful ability to connect with each individual and to create exactly what they need. She brings a caring heart and a high level of experience in the practice of yoga.
I highly recommend Adrianne to those who want a partner who connects and cares about their unique yoga experience.
– Wendy Neu, Owner and President of Crossroads Coaching & Consulting, Inc.
(Professional Coach, Business Strategist, Facilitator)

Before working with Adrianne as a Yoga and Lifestyle Coach I was in a very unhealthy place. Physically I was exhausted and stressed out. Mentally I felt very scattered and unfocused. It was difficult to see my way clear to making decisions that could improve all that wasn’t working in my life at that point. My schedule was also ridiculously over-extended.
As a result of working with her I became aware of all of the “shoulds” I had in my psyche; taking other people in my life into consideration before meeting my own needs.
Adrianne helped me reconnect with my meditation practiceeven kicking it up a notch by introducing me to Yoga Nidra and the use of Sankalpa. I also started to make self-care a daily priority.
I still hear Adrianne’s incredibly soothing voice encouraging me when I find myself getting off-track with my self-care routine. I would highly recommend Adrianne to anyone who needs to establish the habit of self-care.

– Martha Grier, Owner and Coach, Still, I Rise

I have known Adrianne since 2003 in her role as a caring and compassionate yoga instructor. Recently, when I started working with Adrianne as my energy coach, I knew that she would bring that same tenderness and enthusiasm to our life-work together.
As a new mom and fledgling business owner, I was fully supported by Adrianne as she helped me to develop a daily meditation practice and make the leap from full-time classroom teacher to full-time mom and business owner – HUGE!
Adrianne shared valuable tools with me including writing exercises, time management strategies, and guided mediation recordings. But, more importantly, Adrianne’s true gift is her ability to listen deeply to what I am saying, help me identify my deepest desires, and guide me on the path to make my dreams a reality.
Without Adrianne’s guidance and gentle coaching methods, I might still be stuck where I was months ago: paralyzed by fear and lacking the confidence to accept a life of joy and freedom.

– Kristy Lauricella, Creative Wisdom Wellness

Adrianne’s skillful guidance and insight assisted me in making an important decision regarding a much needed career change.
Her gentle, kind and caring approach led me to the realization that my heart’s desire was to continue my studies in harp therapy and complete my certification.
Thanks to Adrianne, I am now pursuing my dream of serving others by providing soothing and healing music through the gentle tones of my therapy harp.

– Rita

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do. - Rumi
After the Clarity Session with you I felt great, full of energy, and peaceful. Thank you!
- Carmen

I have been practicing Yoga since 2003, and with Adrianne since 2005.  She is the BEST Yoga Teacher bar none from my experiences at other studios.
Through Adrianne's work as Yoga Teacher and Lifestyle Mentor, I have learned to be more patient, calm, and peaceful. I would recommend both her Small Group Yoga and Individual sessions to anyone seeking to begin or renew their Yoga practice or desiring a remarkable yoga experience.
- Namaste Michelle

Adrianne and I go back many years, when I was first developing an interest to explore yoga classes as part of a fitness program. Adrianne is a very calm, giving, and patient teacher and person in general, so it was rather natural for me to work with her again at a time when I was struggling with various issues including difficulty sleeping, high anxiety (mostly work related), an overall lack of energy, and struggles with weight and finding time for myself.
After meeting with her over several weeks, I learned techniques to help calm myself in tense situations, and, overall, I feel I am more peaceful and relaxed. I started to exercise more regularly and started and am still on a better eating program that has been successful for me.
Of course, I still have struggles, but thanks to Adrianne’s program I have everyday tools to use to help me re-center and relax.
As Adrianne says, “Remember to Just Breathe”! Thanks, Adrianne!
– Toni F.

Adrianne is truly a remarkable teacher whose knowledge and experience in Yoga and meditation have given me “new life” Her approach to instructing yoga class is both refreshing and  inspirational.
It is a true “oasis” in the desert of our highly  competitive, fasted paced, technologically advanced world. I still practice yoga at Violet Petals Yoga Oasis and I’m proud to say it has returned to a normal level thanks to Adrianne and Violet Petals Yoga Oasis!
– Renee

It is an honor to be your student! Discovering  yoga is a great joy of my life. Even though I discovered it late in  life, still there are many benefits. It is not just a physical practice,  but really helps me as a person in many levels.
I love your dedication, love  and support to your students. Somehow, you understand us (individually)  even while we are in big class.
You encourage us and never make us feel inadequate.
– Grace

I have been practicing Yoga since 2003, and with Adrianne since 2005. She is the BEST Yoga Teacher bar none from my experiences at other studios.

Through Adrianne's work as Yoga Teacher and Lifestyle Mentor, I have learned to be more patient, calm, and peaceful.
I highly recommend both her Small Group Yoga and Individual sessions to anyone seeking to begin or renew their Yoga practice, or desiring a remarkable yoga experience.
- Namaste Michelle

Adrianne’s gentle and calm teaching style quickly helped me shift my focus from the physical aspects of yoga. Her frequent reminders about yoga principles and philosophy helped me stop trying to “do it right” and  begin to focus on the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of yoga. 
I learned how to simply “be with” the poses instead of focusing on “doing” themI am calmer and more balanced than before I started doing yoga.
I am also able to release mental and physical stress from my body much faster than I did in the past.
– Dr. Donna Hamilton, Manifest Excellence

Adrianne is a master. Her depth of knowledge, spiritual awareness and ability to encourage and motivate me to learn new and increasingly advanced yoga poses, are true gifts. I feel blessed to know her as she has opened up new dimensions in my life.
Adrianne has also provided relief from a variety of physical ailments including chronic muscular tension in my lower back, a sprained ankle, stomach upset, and even lymph edema (swelling in the hand and arm that resulted from breast cancer treatments.
There’s no question that Adrianne’s gentle touch and knowledge of reflexology can help alleviate pain and restore inner harmony.
– Susan S.

I am so grateful for your Small Group Yoga sessions. They have brought health back not only to my back, but most importantly to my spirit and whole body wellness. I will definitely be returning for many more sessions to come and look forward to all of them.
Additionally, I had the pleasure to listen to her Take 5 meditation after my yoga practice at home. What a fabulous way to tap back into the peace and serenity. It’s just like being with her in person. It’s the power of that soothing voice that grounds me all over again.
I will be able to use this Take 5 meditation during a work day or any day for that matter that I could see benefiting from this.
I can see myself using this meditation moments before to get my head straight, my focus narrowed, and most importantly the peace and calming I need to keep my confidence high.

– Melanie Quintanilla, Create and Barrel, Store Manager
You gave me your time, the most thoughtful gift of all. - Dan Zadra
Adrianne, I wanted to thank you for teaching me the meditation technique of counting down from 54 with each breath. I was very anxious about having a MRI test for my lower and cervical back, a procedure that would last for 45 minutes inside the closed MRI machine.  shared this with you and you provided me with the appropriate tool to manage my anxiety and it worked perfectly. I was able to count 54 breaths down for only 4 times because I was going up and down with the numbers and paying attention to my breathing so I had to start over few times. 
After learning this meditation technique I practiced at home during three days before the test and when I was ready to get inside the machine I felt very confident that I had a tool to use and get the test done.
I keep using meditation for a few minutes every day and it is helping me to go through my days more focused and relaxed. Thanks Adrianne. Namaste
– Patricia

Adrianne Rowe has been provided Yoga sessions at the Burgdorff Real Estate Office in Metuchen for almost 6 months and it has been wonderful. The agents have enjoyed the sessions and found that they provided opportunities to meditate, relax and also to participate in asanas that were very beneficial.
Adrianne customized the program to the needs of the class and also for each of the agents, addressing their particular needs. She was able to work around our busy schedules and we all found it fun and rewarding.
– Olga S., Office Manager, Burgdorff Real Estate

I asked Adrianne to lead a short meditation as an opener for a stress relief presentation at the Teach + Learn Networking event. Adrianne was the perfect fit for such a task.
Her voice and demeanor are so soothing that you have no choice but to be guided into absolute bliss as she speaks. I would highly recommend her as a speaker or workshop leader, especially in the workplace setting. She has a special knack for making mindfulness understandable for the career community.
– Samantha Popp, La Force School

Workplace yoga has many benefits. After an hour of gentle stretching and relaxation breathing with Adrianne, I return to work happier, full of energy, better able to concentrate, and calmer! I’m refreshed for the rest of the day, and I get a better night’s sleep as well.
Some people say they can’t break away during the day but I have found that if I schedule this hour on my calendar once a week just like I do any other meeting or call, then it is easier to make the time. Even if you’ve never tried yoga before, it’s worth a try!
– Christine Burke, Ansell

The yoga program with Adrianne helps raise my awareness regarding workplace stress and gives me the tools to deal with it.  I find the benefits are cumulative – the more often I practice yoga, the greater the stress relief. More empowerment in raising self-awareness translates into better work relationships. I find yoga invaluable which is why I have been a consistent attendee.
To have access to affordable yoga in my workplace is an invaluable benefit. The gym is helpful, but when it comes to stress, there is nothing as effective for the time investment as yoga.
A quick study of highly efficient corporations will reveal that some form of communal stress-management practice is made available to employees during the work day.

– Renee Moraeu, Eisner Amper

My work days are crazy busy with strict deadlines and changing priorities. I look forward for that one moment of the work week where I can push all of that aside and take care of my mental and physical being during my yoga practice with Adrianne.
I like that she works with you wherever you may be and that the focus is not about how great your pose looks but how you feel while doing a pose. I wish I had the time to practice more often but I’m grateful and look forward to that once a week that I can fit in.
– Denise Ford, Ansell
Smile, Breathe & Go Slowly
Thich Nhat Hanh


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